Create your PAMM account today
Expand your business with our Percentage Allocation Money Management solution.
What is a PAMM account?
A Percentage Allocation Money Management account is an option that allows a professional account manager (known as the Account Manager) to place and manage trades on behalf of their clients (known as the Investors). This allows the Investor to potentially benefit from the knowledge of more experienced traders, and offers Account Managers the opportunity to earn a percentage of the profits generated by their clients’ successful trades.
How does a PAMM account work?
Traders can often find that they lack enough capital to follow and act on a particular strategy independently. A PAMM account resolves this issue, as the Investment Manager will pool funds from a number of traders depending on the strategy in question.
The Investors will receive a prorated profit (based on a percentage of the amount they contributed) in the event of successful trades, while the Account Manager will earn a performance fee for managing the funds and placing the trades themselves.
Why choose a PAMM account?
The Scope Markets PAMM account helps Investment Managers to trade with larger amounts of capital and boost their income by charging performance and management fees. It’s also a great way to boost your network as you connect with Investors worldwide.
Reasons to choose a Scope PAMM Account
Total Control Over Trading Decisions
Flexible Performance Fees and Commissions
Automated Onboarding Process
Available on MT5
High Watermark Level Accounting & Automated Payment
Access to our Web-Based Interface
Unlimited Investor Admission into Fund Pool
Account Management with EAs
How to join our PAMM program
Any questions? Get in touch.
If you have any questions, contact us at and one of our specialist Account Managers will get back to you soon.